Snug as a bug in a rug . . . enjoying a brisk family walk with an improved dog and a much needed break outdoors.
*Taken by Daddy’s camera*
Snug as a bug in a rug . . . enjoying a brisk family walk with an improved dog and a much needed break outdoors.
*Taken by Daddy’s camera*
Today, you looked like a cupcake. Please don’t be mad at me. The outfit is stinkin’ cute.
You were wearing something else that Daddy dressed you in . . . but I didn’t quite get your prefold tight enough after I fed you, and . . . well . . . poop happened before I got your picture taken.
You spent most of the day in the Moby . . . your favorite place, probably.
Here is a picture of your family . . . minus a sleeping brother . . . and your grandparents.
We won’t leave your grandparents out . . .
Or your brother . . .
Or that fact that Mommy got to have Chinese. Aunt ‘Cole and I “worked” the budget a bit to make take-out dinner possible. I mean, Aunt ‘Cole and the family hadn’t met you yet! We needed to celebrate!
For the third night in a row, we are home . . . without the brothers or your dad. (OK, Smiley was home – but he was sleeping, so that doesn’t count.) I was a little bummed, which I am sure you will understand as you begin to spread your social butterfly wings.
But I know that being home is the best place for you and I right now. We were tired. It’s not like you could go in the bounce house at church or eat candy anyway.
As I finished an email that I was writing to your Aunt ‘Cole, I heard your little cry announcing that you were done with your nap.
Any feelings of disappointment of being “stuck” at home left me promptly. As I put a fresh prefold on you, I was rather amazed that I was truly changing a girl’s diaper. I giggled at myself for lavishing your (perhaps) 8 pound body all in pink – because I used to detest pink! I marveled at the way you bring your hands up to your check, as if to support your face in a thoughtful pose as you slurp up milk, reminiscent of how I pictured you in the confines of my large belly.
I just knew that your little hands were up by your face . . . because that is still where you keep them 11 days later.
You are so pleasant, Naomi.
Today your Mamma and Papa came for a short visit. Papa made these really cool bookshelves that he hung beside your brothers’ bunked beds. Mamma helped wash your clothes and fold your diapers; and, of course, they both wanted to hold you.
Soon after they left, Lynda (Mommy’s midwife) came for a follow-up visit. She was pleased with the healing of your belly button, your color, and your weight (which was 7.14 lbs on Wednesday). She kept saying how pretty you were, which I heartily agree.
I found out something interesting about your placenta today. For starters it was HUGE! I had surmised that in the brief few glances that I took of it. But the other interesting fact about your placenta was its deep rich color.
Do you know what that means?
It means it was enriched by a healthy diet almost void of preservatives and prepackaged food. Lynda said that there is a difference between placentas that were fed a healthy diet versus a SAD (standard American diet). Keep that in mind, should the Lord tarry, and you are blessed with growing a baby inside your belly.
Now, Naomi you must remember that after you have a baby it is VERY important that you rest. Having a baby is a lot of work and your body has a lot of changes it is going through to return to normal. Sleep, rest, water, and good food are all very important to recovery. For that reason, Lynda encouraged me once again just to stay put, nice and snug at home.
Wanna know where you are right now? You are wrapped up in the little blanket that Bloggy friend, Melanie, made for you and lying on my chest (slightly snoring) while I type.
Today you matched Lil’ Pumpkin who was born a few days ago. Her mommy, Maureen from Spell Outloud, gave you this stinkin’ cute sleeping gown. And some GREAT gifts to entertain your brothers. (Which they totally devoured.)
You slept great last night . . . so I think I am just going to have you wear this outfit every night. Think it will work?
But that is OK. I don’t get tired holding you. All of your precious noises, tiny hand movements, the way you burrow into my neck. I can’t get enough of you!
Daddy, had to take all of us to the health store tonight before the boys went to AWANA. We had to get some “fun” supplies for Mommy.
But that will be for another blog post, another day.
I have some things to teach you about postpartum care . . . like I said, another post, another day.
One day old . . . |
Your Mops was away on a business trip when you were born. This is the first time that you met him.
By the way, in case you are wondering why you call him Mops instead of Grandpa . . . can be blamed on your eldest brother. He never was able to say Grandpa and my dad really never wanted to be called Grandpa. So, when your eldest brother called “grandpa” something, it came out as Mops and has stuck ever since.
My midwife, Lynda, and Blythe, her assistant, came to visit us – just to make sure that all was well with you and I. On this visit, you had lost a bit of weight, but that is to be expected while you wait for Mommy’s milk to come in.
Now, Lynda was quite silly on this visit because she told me that I needed to have another baby . . . so she didn’t miss the birth.
Tia came to visit you!
And you had to take your first car ride to be with other new mommies and babies . . .
I, know, it’s a lot of pink.
But girlfriend, we have waited a long time to get to use pink . . . and the car seat was a used gift.
Someday soon, I will write your birth story . . . but until then let us begin the journey of your “picture a day” . . .
My dear friend, Casey, and her daughter(s) brought our first meal over. People have to be careful when they hold you . . . because you give them “baby fever!”